Valentine Poems

As we have learned from history, love brings out the best in a person and hence, John Keats came to be known as one of the most romantic poets of all times along with P.B. Shelley and Lord Byron. They were known as the second generation romantic poets during their romantic poems. These clearly indicate the romance involved in poems. So, this Valentine's Day, why don't you get more romantic with Valentine Poems on your love ones?

Yes, we have expressed our love for someone in many ways especially through our little deeds and actions including gifts and all the helps that we can. Many a times we have spoken of it too, face to face or over the phone (thanks to the advancement of science and technology). But we failed to realize that poems could just be the best way to express our love for someone.

For instance, the poem from 'Romeo and Juliet' by W. Shakespeare where Romeo compares the bright moon to the shining face of Juliet or her dark beautiful eyes to the stars is held as one of the most romantic poems of all times. Likewise, Valentine poems can help you to be romantic and more expressive. So, this Valentine's Day present your love with romantic poems and make her fall in love with you all over again.

Valentine poems also help you to express your feelings in a much better way while showing off the John Keats or Shakespeare in you. It can also help set a romantic mood wherever you are. Remember what John Keats said, "The great beauty of poetry is, that it makes every thing, every place interesting." In the same way, your poems for your love could set the right romance you have been looking for.

While Valentine Poems are sure to help you express your love and feelings in the right way, there also funny and humorous poems that can lighten up the spirit of the day. This are not every common though, yet they make good reading. However, if it is the romantic Valentine's Day you are looking for, be a John Keats or a Shakespeare this time and express your love through these poems.

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