Everyone loves a party, but few people truly enjoy all of the hard work and preparation that go into them. Traditionally, Valentine's Day parties are organized for kids, but they don't have to be, and they don't have to be a headache to plan and organize either.
The first thing to do is to send out all of your invitations at least two weeks before the date of the event. This will give people time to RSVP and plan and will give you the time that you need to plan too, and put together a list of people who are definitely coming. If you have any special instructions for your guests, i.e. costumes not optional, etc. make sure that you include these in your invitation. Plan on booking your DJ, caterer, band, etc. two weeks in advance as well, since during holiday party seasons, these people usually find themselves with more work then they can handle.
So what kind of party can you have? The possibilities are endless. You can host a party for children, but you can also host a romantic couple's only party, a singles "no couples allowed" party, or a party where everyone is welcome. If you opt for a costume party, you can decide to have a theme, i.e. Victorian costumes, as well. If you are serious about costumes, have a penalty costume for anyone who shows up without wearing one and give out prizes to the people who wear the best costumes. You can also coordinate your menu to match the theme of your party, whether you decide to have a three course formal dinner or just some fun appetizers and finger foods.
Decorations are another thing to consider, and once again, this all depends on the theme of your party and how much time you want to invest into it. Red, white, and pink are traditional colors for Valentine's Day, but you don't have to limit yourselves to them, particularly if you are having an anti-Valentine's Day party and want to decorate in black. Stores are full of decorations that you can purchase, and many are designed to coordinate with each other and with a specific theme.
The best Valentine's Day parties are the ones that are unique, fun, and memorable. How and whether you achieve this is up to you, but with a little advance planning, your next party is sure to go smoothly and be more fun for both your guests and you.